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Charles from DISYS

Verified Reviewer

Company Size: 201-500 employees

Industry: Marketing and Advertising

Time Used: More than 2 years

Review Source: Capterra

I've created innumerable presentations for clients big and small. In my many years of using the product and sending presentations to people all around the globe, I have never once had someone tell me they could not open a file or report any problems with their presentation. It takes some practice to truly master, but once you've spent quality time working with the software you can do some good stuff.


PowerPoint is a straightforward tool for making and showing presentations with an interface that is very much "what-you-see-is-what-you-get." It is also the dominant presentation software, meaning that you will probably never find a client or venue that will have problems with any presentation you created in PowerPoint. It is also rather versatile, allowing users to do far more that slide-based presentations. Users can create online slideshows, clickable infographics, and embed original graphics and videos.


Like all Microsoft products, PowerPoint has it's eccentricities. It could be more user-friendly, which is where some of the competing presentation apps excel. It is absolutely not good for creating original art or illustrations, even though many users seem to think so. If you want original graphics then you should be creating them in some other app (like Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) and then importing them into PowerPoint.

The near-universal accessibility of PowerPoint makes it very easy to create presentations that anyone can watch. You don't want a client to have any trouble viewing or using the product, and PowerPoint is great for that.

Ronald from A World of Goods

Verified Reviewer

Company Size: 1 employee

Industry: Consumer Services

Time Used: More than 2 years

Review Source: Capterra

My overall experience with Powerpoint has been good. It allows me to organize text and images ways that are visually pleasing and that communicate information effectively.


I like the ability to import, resize, rotate and animate images with ease that rivals many graphic artist programs. There's several different ways to add and delete slides from a presentation, and advancing or rewinding slides is as easy as pushing arrow keys on keyboard or using a presenter remote. Powerpoint gives access to a large library of design templates and themes to give your presentation its own unique feel, and the program groups some of the most commonly used commands on a ribbon for quick access.


I don't have any cons to list for Powerpoint, as I've used it for school, business, and personal projects without issues.

To me, OpenOffice feels like it needs to be developed more. It doesn't seem to operate with the same smoothness and ease as Microsoft -based programs such as Powerpoint.

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Tacho from

Verified Reviewer

Company Size: 2-10 employees

Industry: E-Learning

Time Used: More than 2 years

Review Source: Capterra

Very widespread software. The look in the program is very familiar, which helps the user to navigate quickly, despite the changes in newer versions. The main panels are well distributed and work comfortably in the program. Storing the functions in panels gives a tight look and order. One sees exactly what one needs. I use the program to create presentations when I need a little more specific feature.


I like that the functions are also depicted with icons, which makes the use of the program possible by completely new users. This is also useful for those with experience in the program, because the functions are many and the pictograms are like little jokers for the function itself (you don't have to remember everything). The advantage is that the program has many different functions for creating creative and attention-grabbing content (text in various forms, images, insertion of video and audio).


The fact that the keyboard shortcuts are not listed. The inability to import gif files into presentations in an easy and convenient way. The disadvantage is that the package is paid. The inability to edit the finished file on devices that do not have the program.

Google Slides - the main features are close to those of the Microsoft product, but logically for an online program, some more specific things are cut. It is convenient for creating fast and decent looking content that is available anytime, anywhere. It is very convenient that people from different places can work on a certain material at the same time.

Juan Carlos Ramiro from Autónomo

Company Size: 1 employee

Industry: Computer Software

Time Used: Less than 12 months

Review Source: Capterra

En la actualidad, Microsoft PowerPoint es un programa de presentación muy fascinante a pesar de la emergencia de varios otros programas en el mundo. Una de las cualidades más sobresalientes es la facilidad y la rapidez con la que puedes crear tu presentación en este programa, ya sea para que tu mensaje tenga un caracter educativo, de reforzamiento de una idea o para clarificar dudas en alguna información específica. Su uso se adapta fácilmente para cada situación debido a que es un hábito adquirido en las clases de computación, que difícilmente será cambiado por otro programa. Como dicen varios, Microsoft PowerPoint es la "herramienta popular más usada" a la hora de hacer presentaciones. Y con esto lo digo todo.


Una de las funciones más atrayentes de este software es la facilidad con la que utilizas cada página de presentación, porque uno, dos o tres clic bastan para crearla. Después viene lo más divertido porque empieza lo más fácil del trabajo: -Inserté las fotografías desde mi laptop o desde la web con facilidad. -Los textos y gráficos se disponen automáticamente en un formato claro y de fácil uso. -Uno no puede cometer errores ortográficos con el corrector automático casi siguiéndote los pasos y va alertándote para que escribas con precisión. A todos nos gusta escribir con claridad y sin errores. -El modificar cualquier fuente o cualquier tamaño de fuente es muy atrayente para el que desarrolla su presentación. -Aparte de las funciones de "cortar" y de "pegar" que uno ha aprendido en el uso del Microsoft Word, también es muy importante el uso de "importar" tablas que fue diseñada en este mismo sistema.


-Sería increíble que PowerPoint asumiera automáticamente que deseo que mis transiciones provengan de la izquierda en lugar de la parte inferior. Nunca utilizó una transición desde abajo. -Aprender las teclas de control permitió que mi trabajo sea mucho más ágil, aunque el encontrar las teclas de método abreviado aún es un desafío para cualquiera. Sería muy útil un método de este tipo, con un menú para usar las teclas adecuadas. -Se debería tener las posibilidades de guardar las presentaciones de PowerPoint en mi laptop y también en OneDrive.

John from Allegiance Books

Company Size: 2-10 employees

Industry: Publishing

Time Used: More than 2 years

Review Source: Capterra

I have been using presentation software since Aldus Persuasion. When Adobe, who Aldus merged with, discontinued Persuasion, I had to switch to the much less capable PowerPoint. Over the years, PowerPoint added in some of the cool features of Persuasion. But it took Microsoft several years to make it work as smoothly as Persuasion and they never got it completely right. But it was the only option, at the time. Eventually, Apple introduced Keynote for Mac, which included most of what had been in Persuasion and much more. It took them a couple of years to get it right. But during that time, they kept adding in new features. The more I used Keynote, the less I liked PowerPoint. Today, I only keep PowerPoint around for opening someone else's PowerPoint files. I have found Keynote to be a far superior product, both in features and ease of use. I can quickly and easily do things in Keynote that totally baffles PowerPoint pros. PowerPoint never was all that good, to begin with. It only stayed around because it was promoted as part of MS Office, to be the "standard." It did get better, over the years. But it still lags far behind Keynote. But if you're not a Mac user, it's your only real choice, since Keynote only works on Mac.


The only pro that I can think of is that you can open those PowerPoint files that you occasionally get in emails. It's probably quite acceptable for simple slide shows, with simple transitions. But that's where it ends. If you want your presentation to look really professional, this is not the software for you.


It's far more difficult to do some transitions in PowerPoint than in Keynote for Mac. It's like you're doing things that it was not designed to do. There are also some transitions that I do in Keynote that I have yet to figure out a way to do in PowerPoint. It's just awkward to use. It also requires more steps to do certain things (i.e. you have to apply time-consuming kludges to make certain things work). It's very basic and definitely NOT for professional looking presentations.

I grudgingly chose PowerPoint, because it was the only option, at the time. Shortly after Apple released the second version of Keynote and I realized how much better and easier it was than PowerPoint, I switched to Keynote and have not looked back.

Aldus became part of Adobe and Adobe decided to discontinue Persuasion a few years later. I had no choice. I was like stepping backwards 2 or 3 years. As soon as a better product (Keynote for Mac) became available I bought it and began learning it. The ease of use was way better than Powerpoint and I now use only Keynote. I now use PowerPoint only used for archive files.

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